Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today I tested my little brother's toys to make sure he wouldn't get hurt. I gave the jumparoo five stars. See the video below:

Friday, June 26, 2009

My Brother

Here I am with my baby brother. He is one day old. It's weird having another person in the house who is so small. I tried to feed him a bottle, but he's not ready for that yet. He sleeps a lot.

The bassinet he's in was given to me from Aunt Shana when I was born. Rome is lucky that I kept it in such great condition.

Here is another picture of me checking up on my little brother. He was crying earlier, but I think he's okay now.

You can kinda see a little bit of our dining room. The painting in the way back was done by my Great-Grandma Cynthia. She gave it to my Mom and Dad as a housewarming present. I hope to be as artistic as her one day.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

I want to be like my Daddy!

I want to play Xbox like my daddy!

I want to wear his shoes!

I want to sit in his chair.

I want to taste what he drinks.

Don't Worry. The Bottle Was Empty.

I Love My Daddy!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Practicing for my New Brother

This is how I will treat my brother:

First I will put him in the chair.

Then I will show him how to drink from a sippy cup.

Next, he will try it.

But he might need more help.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

vaughn torin as photographer

Say Cheese!

Hello Fans! Thanks for visiting my first BLOG! As we get closer to having another addition to our family, I intend to practice my photography because my paintings are still far from Sexton standards. (Although they could be up there with Marla Olmstead's fine abstracts.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy my blogs.

For those interested in me, well, I'm 19 months old. I love to watch Sponge Bob Square Pants and Baby Einstein DVDs. It would be nice to have my very own TV and DVD player (hint hint) so that I could watch my shows in my room. OR, you could get my new baby brother a TV and DVD, since we'll be sharing a room in the future. That's perfect because he really doesn't need any clothes or toys. He can have my old stuff.

Bye Byeeee!I

PS: I'll post my favorite pictures below for you to view!